Thursday, September 1, 2011

Entry 2: Socialization

What do hedgehogs have to do with sociology?
Relatively little. 
But I really want a hedgehog and my friends were warning me they were mean...
if you socialize them, though, they're actually really nice...

So back to Social Psych...

I ate up the two readings ("Becoming a Marihuana User" and pages 126-136).
To start, I think the smoking story was interesting because of the different quotes they had
from people. Just the whole perspective of the reason behind smoking was something I'd never "the motivation or disposition to engage in the activity is built
up in the course of learning to engage in it and does not antedate this learning process."
I've just never considered doing drugs as a learning process, probably 
because there's this "cool" (for lack of a better word) stereotype that goes along
with smoking; someone's first time smoking is not what I think about when I think of drugs. 
The whole process of becoming a marijuana user is so socially based, and the processes are so
 simple, but accurate. I started thinking about how many other things people can only find
 pleasure in when one has to go through a process of learning to see something as an object
of fun...running, complete opposite end of the spectrum, is kind of like that for me:
the object of running really isn't that fun, but my friends started running so I ran with them.
After a while, it just became something I did on my own and considered fun.

I wonder what Hyde's first time smoking was like...

For the other reading, I was intrigued by the study of Jill Carter's sexual education.
I really wish I had been taught like that. "The Talk" is unavoidably awkward, 
but I think Fox Academy handled it as gracefully and fairly as possible.
The private school aspect had a ton to do with it...still, if public schools could do that,
I think it'd be beneficial. I don't even remember what I was taught during sex. ed....
but I can guarantee I would of retained a lot more if I got to do a sweet art project on it.

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