I actually found "Women and Their Clitoris" REAL interesting.
The responses of all the different participants developed the consensus that
they were taught about sex in a strictly reproductive sense. For me and,
I think, for all my friends, that's how anatomy was presented. Not
only at school, but with my parents and friends as well. Similar to
one of the participants, I remember my mom buying me this specific
book and kind of just being like, "Oh, read this at your leisure." And
I'd always act so grossed out, but then I'd read it anyway. If pleasure
was more prominent in my learning, I feel like I'd be very different...
A lot of my friends had this book too, and I'm pretty sure they did
the same grossed-out-but-actually-interested act.
I was less interested by the tattoo article. The argument
is pretty unresolvable. I mean, some people definitely do get
tattoos for social assimilation purposes, but everyone is going to have
their own personal associations and meanings to things
simply because no two people, except maybe siamese twins, have the same
exact shared life experiences. For example, I think it's safe to say
the Harley Davidson tattoo has communal meanings of motorists,
rugid-ness, and freedom; however, one person might love Harleys because
their dad had a motorcycle, while someone else might embrace the company
because it allowed them to get away and separate from families.
I would never get a tattoo of a corporate logo. I don't know if I'd
get a tattoo at all...unless I become more consistent and stop
changing my mind and opinions.
So I literally just spent 30 minutes trying to find this picture of
a kid the grade above me from high school who got a tattoo of his
best friend's face on his butt...he deleted his facebook, though, so
I couldn't find it. Here's a good alternative: